Saturday, November 22, 2008

How to Choose Affiliate Products That Will Make You Healthy Profits!

When choosing affiliate products to promote, ensure they meet the following criteria.

- The sales page makes you want to buy:

What I mean by this is that you should assume that you are a prospective buyer of that product and not an affiliate. If the sales letter looks good and makes you want to buy, it'll probably pull others too. It will likely sell well.

- The commission:

How much is the vendor willing to share with his affiliates? I recommend that you don't settle for anything less than a 50% commission. Anything less than that is a rip off.

- The price:

If the price of a product is too low, then you will not make good profits from it. The least priced product you should go for should be of the value of $27 up to $100. A 50% commission of these values is decent enough.

Additional tips.

If you've spotted a product that teaches maybe dog training and obedience and you want to promote it, you will have to assess if the "dog training" market is profitable. I don't want to bore you with technicalities so I'll show you a simple way of assessing market profitability.

Let's use the dog training product as an example.

The first thing you should do is determine a keyword that defines the product you want to promote. That is the term a surfer will likely type into the search engine when searching for such products. For the dog training product, it's safe to say that a surfer will type in the terms "dog training", "dog obedience" or "how to make dogs obey" and so on.

Before you promote, put yourself in the position of the surfer and type in such terms into a major search engine like google. See what comes up on the right hand side. If there are loads of ads there and even spills into the next page, know that it is a lucrative but highly competitive market.

That kind of product is worth promoting.

Another tip is for you is to make sure there are similar products in that market that you can promote in future. You'll find out why later in this book because its not worth the efforts jumping from one niche market to the other. You should be able to sell different products to the same set of customers.

Akin Alabi

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Becoming a Better Affiliate Marketer

Are you working in the field of affiliate marketing now? If the answer is a YES, you should know that you will need to work hard in order to succeed. There is no free lunch in this world. However, you will still need to know how you should work. Working hard without a good strategy will never help!

First of all, you should understand that there is no overnight success in the field of affiliate. You may have joined some webmaster forums and there may be some people who claim that you will be able to make a lot of money in a few days.

You would better treat these as scams. The truth is that you will need to spend the time to work. If you are chasing for the notion of overnight success, you should go for the idea of lottery instead. However, a piece of fact is that no many people will have the luck to win in a lottery.

As a matter of fact, a lot of people will not really try to make money after they join the affiliate programs. They will just join the program and hope that they can make money. This is not the right attitude. You will need to get it work once you join the program. And at the end of the day it is not difficult for you to make money if you can really work hard.

Of course you will probably need to run your own affiliate site in order to promote the affiliate products. You have to promote your site. You will need to do the SEO work for the site. You will also need to post fresh and quality contents to your sites from time to time. All these works take time!

If you have joined a two-tier affiliate program, you can send emails and information to your downline. You should try to aid them to make money with the affiliate program. You are indeed helping yourself when you are sending them the information. It is because you will earn part of their commissions.

You will also need to work constantly in order to see the results. A lot of affiliate marketers maintain that they do not get the first sale until they have work for about half year. There are marketers who give up too soon and they will never know how they will be making money with affiliate marketing.

You may also need to spend some money to advertise your affiliate site. In fact, a lot of affiliate marketers will use PPC networks will advertise their sites. The advantage is that you can have instant results. However, you will need to spend the time and money to optimize your landing page before you can make money with this method.

Anson Hall is an affiliate coach. You can learn Make Money Online from his site. You may also want to check Affiliate Marketing Guides.

Affiliate Marketing Tips - One of the Biggest Mistakes You Can Make

I admire affiliate marketers. Even though I do quite a bit of affiliate marketing, I don't consider myself one simply because I create my own products and that's where most of my income comes from. But make no mistake about it, when it comes to affiliate marketing, I know my stuff. That's why it kills me when I see affiliate marketers making one of the biggest mistakes that they can make when it comes to affiliate marketing. This article is going to show you exactly what that mistake is and how to avoid it.

So just what is this huge mistake? Well, it's what I sometimes call the "follow the sheep" syndrome. What do I mean? Well, tell me if this doesn't sound familiar. Marketer X comes out with his hot new product. Now, this guy is one of the biggest names on the planet with a list the size of Texas. You know that when this product comes out, not only is a good portion of his list going to buy it, but an even bigger portion is going to promote it thinking that because it's all new and shiny, it's going to make them a lot of money.

Do you know what the problem with this thinking is? It's all in the numbers, and if you don't believe me, head on over to the Clickbank marketplace and take a look at the hottest products there and see how many affiliates are promoting them. They're in the hundreds. Heck, Day Job Killer, at one time, was over 1,000 affiliates promoting it. Now think about it. With all those people promoting this one product, how many sales do you think you're going to get out of this thing, especially if you're a beginning marketer?

The truth is, most beginning marketers make no sales or one or two at best. If they're thinking of earning a huge income promoting the hot product of the day, they have a long wait. The guys with the big lists are the ones who make the bulk of the sales.

Now, having said that, there are things you can do to get your share of the pie. The best thing to do is simply look for products where the competition isn't so tough. A product with a gravity of 30 or 40 is perfect to promote. You know it sells and yet there aren't hundreds of people promoting it. You'll make more sales from these products than from the hot product of the day. I'll bet my best mule on that one.

So please don't make the same mistake that many affiliate marketers make. There are better ways to break into affiliate marketing.

To YOUR Success,

Steven Wagenheim

Tired of being an affiliate failure? Want to turn yourself into an affiliate assassin like I am? Want to land in the top 20 of every affiliate promotion you tackle just like I do? Check out my site at and start earning a solid income as an affiliate marketer.

How to Make Money With an Affiliate Blog - Proven Online Success Strategies (Best For Newbies)

Who else wants to learn how to make money with an affiliate blog? If you are just getting started with learning to make money online, my number 1 recommendation is starting a very simple, straightforward blog that highlights products (or services) that are related to the content on your site. It's easy to start, often completely free...and can be VERY lucrative in short order. Let's take a closer look.

The Advantages of an Affiliate Blog?

Very easy. You have access to plug and play creative from most of the major networks, content is VERY easy to create for most of the large niches, and you've got the built in advantage of using a blogging platform like Wordpress......which is FREE, incredibly powerful, and literally takes the technophobic out there (like me) from being hamstrung to web creation wizards in one short afternoon.

Where are the best places to start?

I recommend you get out there and go after the LARGE markets where this is LOTS of traffic, and tons of competition. Most people ironically stay away from the large niches out of fear of competition...but in my parlance, the more people who are playing in the sandbox.....the more sand there is to scoop!

And remember there are LOTS of great FREE traffic strategies you can use to monetize your blog.

Stop thinking small - you've got article directories, press releases, social networking lenses, SEO, data feeds and LOTS of other easy ways to collect, cull and aggregate oceans of eyeballs for your offers. So simply get out there and get started - you'll thank me later, I promise!

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