Saturday, November 22, 2008

How to Make Money With an Affiliate Blog - Proven Online Success Strategies (Best For Newbies)

Who else wants to learn how to make money with an affiliate blog? If you are just getting started with learning to make money online, my number 1 recommendation is starting a very simple, straightforward blog that highlights products (or services) that are related to the content on your site. It's easy to start, often completely free...and can be VERY lucrative in short order. Let's take a closer look.

The Advantages of an Affiliate Blog?

Very easy. You have access to plug and play creative from most of the major networks, content is VERY easy to create for most of the large niches, and you've got the built in advantage of using a blogging platform like Wordpress......which is FREE, incredibly powerful, and literally takes the technophobic out there (like me) from being hamstrung to web creation wizards in one short afternoon.

Where are the best places to start?

I recommend you get out there and go after the LARGE markets where this is LOTS of traffic, and tons of competition. Most people ironically stay away from the large niches out of fear of competition...but in my parlance, the more people who are playing in the sandbox.....the more sand there is to scoop!

And remember there are LOTS of great FREE traffic strategies you can use to monetize your blog.

Stop thinking small - you've got article directories, press releases, social networking lenses, SEO, data feeds and LOTS of other easy ways to collect, cull and aggregate oceans of eyeballs for your offers. So simply get out there and get started - you'll thank me later, I promise!

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(at least it did for me)


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